Monday, September 6, 2010

Timp baby

After 3 unsuccessful attempts, Beth finally made it to the top of Mt. Timpanogos! Chesley had already done it a few times, and Blake and I had hiked it as well, We started at about midnight of Friday and hiked until about 10 AM Saturday. The first 5 hours was basically just hiking in the dark - not much to see but the rocks and the feet in front of you, lit by your head lamp. It was a lot of fun though. I think Beth would have benefited greatly by a nap prior to the hike, but she still managed. It was pretty awesome when we approached the top. You could see little bobbing lights scattered across the peak, it looked like a line of working ants. Once we reached the top, we had a quick snack and headed back down. It was too cold and windy to linger. The way down was much more beautiful, as it was now lit up by the sun. Speaking of the sun, we also got to see the sunrise, which was beautiful. Anyhow, here are some pics of the event.

This is towards the top - you can see the lights of come city, I think it's Heber.

How cool is this - some strange wolf statue.

As you can see, it was indeed more beautiful on the way down.

Kind of hard to tell, but that's a mountain goat there in front of Beth on the trail.

And there's the beast at a distance.

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